Welcome to Amen-Ra Institute
The Amen‐Ra Institute is an organisation through which the quintessential Afrikan consciousness cosmologies are systematically investigated, diligently studied and generously shared. We are concerned with unearthing and reconstructing the High Knowledge Systems of Bona aBa-Khulu Base-Khemu, the Timeless Wisdoms of the Ancient Ones of Kemet. The Institute interfaces the timeless knowledge systems of the Hapi or Nile River Valley with emerging sciences and other knowledge fields.
The focus is particularly on Ta-ui (Kemet), Ta-Nehisi (Kushite) and Ta-Neter (East-Southern Azania) or ancient Egypt, Sudan-Ethiopia and Central-Southern Afrika respectively. These including the timeless wisdoms of the ‘aBa‐Ntu’ nations of Azania, the Congo Basic, East and West Afrikan Empires. We also meticulously explore ancient civilisations that were established by Afrikans of antiquity in ancient Indus Kush, Zhong-Guo, etc. We adventurously traverse the maze-like mysteries of our beloved heritage and cultures, beyond our rich unspoken histories.